Railway DVDs for Sale

In addition to Railways Books for Sale, Poulton & Wyre Railway Society also occasionally receive donations of railway DVDs. Like books, these are usually sold via our stall at events such as Tram Sunday.

Whilst COVID-19 is preventing such events, we're unable to raise money in the usual way and are reaching out to see if anyone wants them.

The handful of DVDs pictured below are representative and a small selection of what is available.

A small selection of the railway DVDs we have for sale.

Contact for Details

If you would like to purchase any or inquire about what we have available, please contact us with your request via this website or email david.pwrs@hotmail.com and we can liaise via email.

Payment can be made via PayPal or Credit / Debit Card (via PayPal) to our account and we can post the DVDs wherever required.

David Mills